A Look at the U.S. From The Outside

So for the last 7 weeks I’ve been living at my apartment in Toronto. I couldn’t take it any more. The last straw was two different instances on the same day in different locations. I was getting my car inspected out in Churchville and they had the news on, and in the waiting room, this old white trash guy with a T shirt that says “Say No To Joe and The Ho”, sitting there in a room with 7 other people, just casually says “To Hell with deporting the brown scum, I say we just shoot the spics on sight”. Like this is a perfectly normal thing to say in a group of strangers. A Lady, maybe about 35, with her son who was maybe 6 or 7 tells him “This isn’t the place for that”. He then says to her “Who are you? Some liberal cunt obviously, sitting there with what’s probably your half spic bastard”. At that point I stood up and said “Shut the fuck up, Keep your ignorant shit at home, and it’d be best if you went and sat over there”. He took a step towards me, so I stood up, and I had about 30 years, 7 inches, and 100lbs on the guy. He turned around, muttered something about wanting to leave the state and went and sat over at one of the show room tables. Where he continued to talk his bullshit to people who worked there who were joining in with him. It was disgusting.

Flash forward about 4 hours later, I’m in Irondequoit at my Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. Once again, in a waiting room full of people, this old white guy is talking to the receptionist, who was black mind you. He was upset that he had a $60 co-pay and he is leaving he says to her “Biden and Obama handed this country over to you spades and queers. Thank God Trump will give it back to the white men who deserve it and you can go back to picking cotton in the fields where you belong”

Shit like this has turned into a daily occurrence. When at home, I would hide in my house, because any time I would go outside I’d always get stopped by one of my neighbors, and then I would have to heard about the latest piece of made up shit FOX news had been saying (more about the fakeness later).

So I said fuck it, I needed a break and went to Canada. In the last 7 weeks I’ve only spent a few days in the US, I went to Los Angeles for the FireAid Concert, I went to NYC for the Saturday Night Live 50 Concert, and I went to Virginia Beach to take care of some business stuff, and here now for a Concert in Springfeild Mass, and then I’ll be here all next week for appointments. But that’s it. I’ve spent more time in Mexico than I have in the U.S.

But the interesting thing has been, looking from the outside, but still having access to US media, how much people in the U.S. do not have even the tiniest understanding about what is going on in terms of the U.S. throughout the rest of the world. It’s not covered, or even mentioned AT ALL, and I’m not talking just from things like the state run propaganda FOX News, I’m talking ANYWHERE. Even the most hippy liberal sources there are. It’s like the U.S. is in this bubble that can’t be seen through.

I’ll start with Mexico. I was in Riviera Maya a few weeks ago for 4 days for Phish shows. I go there every year, and this year was weird. Mexico has had it with Trump. They have no interest in anything U.S. at this point. When we were there we stayed at The Moon Palace which is like a resort area. This was shortly after Trump started threatening pointless Tariffs, which, literally the entire world is sick to death listening to him about. When we were there, ALL of the restaurant, bars, shops, EVERYTHING put on a (minimum) 100% “U.S. Resident Surcharge”. Every single place, literally doubled the price of every single thing. Then what the did was if you had Mexican ID, or a Passport from any country other than the U.S. you got a wrist band. With the wrist band you got a “VIP Discount” which lowered the price back to normal. Luckily I never travel anyone on my US Passport, never have, I always use my Canadian one.

Now, lets Talk about Canada. Trump has started this trade war, which no one on earth even understands why. I mean, there is seriously something wrong with this guy. His CONSTANT talks about wanting to make Canada the 51st State, and taking over Greenland and Panama. It’s not fucking normal. Imagine if Biden did it.

First off the tariffs. For What? He claims it is because of all the Fentanyl coming into the U.S. from Canada. This is one of the things with the FOX News State Run Propaganda things. They repeat this claim over and over and over as well. The KNOW what the reality of it is, but refuse to report it. So what is the reality?

You can’t even see the bar for the Canadian Boarder. Because only 0.2% of all Fentanyl coming into the U.S. comes over the Canadian boarder. It was 9.17lbs TOTAL last year. Less than what would fit in a bookbag. Interestingly enough there was over 90 pounds (10 times more) which was caught crossing IN to Canada. And 84% of all trafficking arrests in either direction were U.S. Citizens. So if there is anyone that should be upset, it’s the Canadians, not the Americans. And we won’t even get started on Guns, where it is almost exclusively trafficking IN to Canada.

So that’s bullshit.

Then the other thing is, his CONSTANT nonsense about making Canada the 51st State. He has been President for 58 days, and he has mentioned making Canada the 51st state 54 of those days.

Side note, again, I know the U.S. Media refuses to cover his craziness. But did anyone happen to catch his meeting the with the U.N. Secretary General on Wednesday? To the Goddamn head of the U.N. This idiot says

Canada only works as a state. It’s so perfect as a great and cherished state. Keeping, ‘Oh, Canada,’ the national anthem, I love it. I think it’s great. Keep it. But it’ll be for the state. One of our greatest states, maybe our greatest state

The U.N. General doesn’t even really know how to respond to that and just says

I believe The Great Nation of Canada is doing just fine on it’s own, and we look forward to continued support from one of our greatest global partners”

If that’s not bad enough, then when they are talking about a shared NATO base in Romania, out of NOWHERE, literally with no segue what-so-ever Dementia Donny says. Here I’ll just let him say it in his own words….

Yeah. I didn’t even feel like typing that nonsense out. And he said this. In front of Cameras. In front The Secretary General of the U.N.

So much bullshit there. And here is one of the things that bothers me the most with his lying. He lies so much that it’s just second nature to him that whatever pops into his head he just says, truth be damned. But what bothers me is how he will so brazenly lie to the face of someone who KNOWS the truth. For example Telling the UN Secretary General That the US has many military bases on Greenland. The US has exactly ZERO military bases in Greenland. The US does share “Pituffik Space Base” which is a shared installation that the US Space Command works out of, in a U.N. Building, which flies under the Danish flag. Something the UN Secretary General is FULLY aware of. How do you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously, when you lie to the face of the person who KNOWS the truth?

Again, this is NOT NORMAL.

After that he went on this weird rant about how the U.N. needs to disclose any person in the world they know of that has Anti-U.S. Ties (buddy that’s like everyone right now). Then said some weird shit about Panama that was nothing but a bunch of word salad that sure as shit sounded like he was putting together military plans to invade it. Then a Few hours later, yeah news agencies started to report that it was true

Then he went on to say he “invaded” Los Angeles to “turn on The Water”. Holy shit, I can’t type this out either, here listen to him…

Again man, like NONE of this is true. And  again you’re making these ridiculous lies that might fly with Fox News and your MAGA followers who treat everything as gospel. “I invaded California” Really? Who Says that?”  But UN Secretary General is going to know full well you are full of shit.   It’s not like other countries don’t get intelligence reports on us. The REAL story of what happened here, is actually pathetic. The actual events happened in this order, which have all been WELL documented from dozens of sources.

  1. Elon Musk tells Trump, who has just been sworn in that he needed some sort of photo-op that could be used to go viral right after taking office. The suggestion was the L.A. Fires which were 95% contained at that point. But if he could make some show, it would make him look like a genius that for 7 weeks Biden could not stop the fires, and Trump got it done on his 3rd day.
  2. An Unknown DOGE staffer contacted the Bureau of Reclamation to turn on the water pumps at the Jones Pumping Station in the Central Valley.
  3. They were denied. It was explained to them, that first off the pumps were down for their annual maintenance.  But more importantly. the pumping station was for the Central Valley reservoir. It is water used for crop irrigation in the summer. Releasing the water would not come within over 150 miles of Los Angeles.
  4. Pissed that he was told no, Musk then sends two DOGE staffers, Tyler Hassen and Bryton Shang, to the Pumping station with directions to PERSONALLY turn the pumps back on. As well as take pictures of them doing so.
  5. The 2 DOGE idiots go there and acted like fools, and tries to bully their way in. Shang was escorted off the premises by a group from the Army Corp of Engineers because at this point he was not even a government employee, he was just an employee of Tesla and had no clearance to even be in the building.  Hassen still tried to personally get to the pumps computers to open it up, but before he could, Army Corp of Engineers Ranger, Mark Jameson reset the power, knowing it would take at least 18 hours to cycle through giving them time to figure out who the hell these people were.
  6. As the power was cycling, a collective from The Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, and The California Water Authority contacted various White House people telling them not to do this. First off, again, this is irrigation water for the Central Valley, and would not come within 150 miles of Los Angeles. The water collected in the reservoir is done so because every summer like clock work the central valley goes through a draught. So they keep between 7 and 9 Billion Gallons in reserve which they collect through the winter to be stored to be released come late July and August.
  7. Despite what everyone who knew what they were talking about telling them what a terrible idea this was, Trump then direct the Army Corp of Engineers to open one of the pumps
  8. There are then 2.6 billion gallons released from the reservoir. they wanted to do over 5 billion but it was stopped before it got to that point because areas were reaching flash flood levels.
  9. Again this is NOT water that gets into the regular water system, it is on a closed irrigation system, and most of it, instead of going through pipes, instead goes through rivers and canals. to ultimately get to the Central Valley Basin
  10. None of the farmers were told this was going to happen. From time to time they do need to release some water, but farmers are told 7 days in advance  The rivers and canals were already at typical winter/spring levels, which are far above the summer levels.  So it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened next.
  11. Thousands of archers were flooded and washed out.  Millions of dollars worth of crops that had been recently planted were under water in land that was now going to be useless for spring growing since it will take weeks to dry out. Many farmers also lost equipment because it got caught in flood waters
  12. Then there is the fun part. There are 2 reasons why the water is kept in the reservoir. First, well, they need it. Because of droughts the valley is usually a few billion gallons short of natural water every year. And second is because it’s kept in an area that is temperature and Ph controlled. Because what does water like to do?  Evaporate. So now you got 2.6 billion gallons, that destroyed millions of dollars worth of crops, which is then just going to naturally evaporate. Needless to say the farmers are pretty anxious thinking about what is going to happen this summer since all the water they were expecting to get is now gone.

But it wasn’t ALL a waste. They did “sort of” get their PhotoOp so they could then go lie in the DOGE twitter account

Then is you watched the Trump video above where he talked about the picture?  Yeah it was this


I know this will shock you, but that picture has FUCK ALL to do with any sort of water that is going to Los Angeles. Apparently no one there has ever heard of a reverse image search. This is a picture taken from Google Images from 2016 about an article about Glacier National Park.

Although, Peter Gleick from the California Water Authority and Pacific Institute said it best…

Trump’s actions are combination of political bluster and blinding ignorance, to brag, incorrectly, about providing water for tackling the LA wildfires. Not a single drop of the water released can get to Los Angeles — there is simply no physical connection between these basins. As a result, all that Trump managed to accomplish was to anger local water districts and farmers who lost more than 2 billion gallons of water that flowed, unused and unusable, into the dry lake bed of the Tulare basin, where it will be unavailable to farmers in the coming hot season.

Could you possibly imagine if it was Biden doing any of this stuff?  My God they would have him kicked out of office so fast his head would spin.

Sorry, got way off track there. Anyhow, Canada.  Canada has always had a BFF style relationship with the US.  They have been the top trade partners in the worlds. Always had a great working relationship. Although I will point out last time Trump was in Office, things did get a bit prickly at times, to the point where Canadian Farmers were refusing the deal with the US towards the end.

So when Trump took over this time, everyone in Canada was on their toes waiting to see how he would be. And it took less than 4 days before he went into his Tariff bullshit.  Again, there is absolutely no reason what so ever for there to be any Tariffs places on Canada.

I do love how Trump said, and was parroted back on FOX at least 4 times I saw personally

The U.S. subsidizes Canada for $200 Billion a year

I mean…. First, it’s not true, and second, it’s a just an insane thing to even say.  BUT as I said before, In the FOX State Media World, and how people treat him like a cult leader, truth doesn’t matter. Even the most insane things. Canada receives exactly $0.00 in subsidies from the U.S.

I’d also like to point out that, well, I’d say people seem to forget, but now days it’s just that they are ignorant and just don’t know, but Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and since 1931 has been a member of the British Commonwealth. Ever wonder why British monarchs are on Canadian money?  But anyhow, Canada doesn’t need any subsidies for anything, but if they did, they would be coming from the Commonwealth, not from the U.S.

The person I feel bad for is Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.  Every day she gives a press conference. This is nothing new most of the ministers give pressers every day, always been like that. But this poor woman is just exasperated at this point because every day she has to spend time dedunking all of the Trump lies. And they are all lies.

Now here is the thing. Again Canadians always loved America and bought a shit load of American goods.  In 2024 there were $285 billion worth of American goods imported into Canada.  There was $355 billion imported in the U.S.  Now, an idiot, like Trump will sit there and be like “Booo, look at that trade deficit, we’re paying more for their goods then they are for ours”.  Well, no shit, One country had 335 million, the other has 40 million. If you want to look at the per capita numbers, then it’s VASTLY in favor of the U.S.

But Canada as a whole is 100% sick of all this shit.  Yeah they might play clips on US TV of Canadians booing the U.S. National Anthem. But what the U.S. Media isn’t telling you is what’s actually going on in terms of commerce.  Which is the most important thing.  Trump can sit there with his Tariffs, which he clearly doesn’t understand how they work, but Canada has taken it a step further, and there is essentially a complete boycott of America at this point. Which can COMPLETELY destroy the U.S. Economy.

I am in the U.S. right now because my mother and myself have a number of appointments next week that we made months ago.  Generally when I fly, I fly private.  The last time I flew into Canada a week and a half ago, there was no issue.  When I went to book a flight to Rochester the other day, none of the 3 private companies that fly out of YYZ (Toronto International) had any interest in flying into the U.S.  Two of them flat out said no, and the one that said they would wanted a price that was beyond asinine. So yesterday I flew out of YYZ commercial.

Generally, when you are in the International Terminal for the U.S. Flights, it’s pretty packed there.  However, Canadians have been boycotting U.S. travel for weeks now.  When you watch T.V. There used to always be adds for New York City, or Nashville, or Miami, of Los Angeles. Those are gone. Haven’t seen one in weeks. They have been replaced by travel things for Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Quebec.  There are also super discounts for Canadian citizens for flights and hotels within the country.  So anyhow, at 4:15 in the afternoon on a Thursday would would expect the terminal to be pretty packed. Welp, not so much

There was no one there.  There were 4 flights scheduled within the next 45 minutes. And no one.  There were a total of SIX people on our flight, including us.  We got lucky, because that was also the LAST flight that goes direct to Rochester for the foreseeable future. Which is after Rochester getting all excited last year about the direct flights so they can be “International” again. They stopped all direct flights Thursday night, since planes everywhere are going empty.  They have also stopped direct flights to: Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta, Seattle, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Tampa, Austin, Houston, Charlotte, Nashville, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Norfolk.

The ONLY places they fly to right now are NYC (only JFK), Orlando, Chicago, Minneapolis, and San Diego.

Then there are the stores.  It’s been getting worse and worse for products in store shelves.  When I go grocery shopping in Toronto I go to Loblaws. They are sort of like the Canadian Wegmans.

In the beginning, what you would see on store shelves, is anything that was imported from the U.S. was put ion the shelves upside down. That was a way of telling people it was a U.S. Product that was imported, as a way for people to not buy them.  Then they took it a step further, and every product that was made in Canada they would tag it and say which Province it was made in.

But then they took it a step further yet.  So there are some “American Brands” people think of and when they hear them they think Made in the US. When in reality they have subsidiaries which operate within Canada.  So for those, they started putting a little red Maple Leaf on the price tags

BUT then recently they took it further still and went with the nuclear option, which is where they are today.  Basically everything that comes from the U.S. has been removed from the shelves completely. You won’t find a single thing that comes from the U.S.


They are gone.  All gone.  These pictures were taken a few days ago, since then all the places that were occupied by US products have been replaced by stuff from England, France, Germany, China, India, Italy, and Korea.

Every. Single. Store is like that.

Not just food, it’s everything.  Clothes, appliances, literally anything you can think of.

Again not covered by the US, but the Other day there was a trade summit in Paris with 34 Countries, including most of the EU, Japan, Korean, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and Mexico.  The US was left out of it. If you think for a single second it wasn’t to build trade agreements which block out the US then you’re a retard.

Then there is the booze.  Which is like one of the largest things Canada imports from the U.S.  If you go to a Concert as Massey hall, or a Raptors game at Scotiabank Center, or a BlueJay’s game or concert at Rogers Center, ALL US Brand beer is gone.  There’s no Bud Light, there’s no Coors, there’s no Mich Ultra. It’s all been replaced by Unibroue, Mill Street, Moosehead, Steam Whistle, and Columbia. Not a drop of U.S. beer to be seen. Which also includes at the Beer Stores

Want some Jack Daniels?  Nope, none of that either. Tito’s?  Nope.  Same goes for Liquor stores.  If you want your sweet Kentucky Bourbon, or some Captain Morgan’s, or a nice bottle of Finger Lakes Wine……

NOPE.  You get this instead

Those are just your every day thing, where the U.S. is losing a metric assload of money, just based off of Trump’s stupidity.  There are much larger things that will hurt even worse.


I mean, that’s why you have places like CNBC saying this


For Example. Oasis. The largest Fruit Juice company in Canada. Think of them like the Canadian Minute Maid.  They canceled a contract worth over $800 million from U.S. citrus growers in Florida, California, and Arizona.  They are getting their supply from Equator instead.

Or LuluLemon.  They are not only the largest sportswear apparel maker in Canada, they are the 2nd largest in the world, only behind Nike.  They cancelled 3 contracts worth over $1.3 BILLION with cotton growers in the U.S. This makes up 38% of ALL cotton exports. They are getting it from Brazil instead.

The government also cancelled over $1 billion of Beef imports from the U.S. and are getting that also from Brazil.  China also just cancelled a $2 billion contract with the U.S. for Beef.

The list of stuff like this goes on and on, yet is hidden to the U.S. public from by the shitty media.

The U.S. is getting into Russia, North Korea, Nicaragua, Cuba territory.  This isn’t the 1800s. You can’t be a cocksucker in a global economy. And Trump has been the words biggest Cocksucker to where no one even wants to deal with the U.S. at this point.

The fact the guy has managed to tank the economy in like 50 days is beyond imagination. Can’t say it wasn’t expected, when EVERY SINGLE ECONOMIST SAID EXACTLY THIS WOULD HAPPEN.

For Christ sake, does no one remember when ALL, literally ALL of the 23 living winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics signed a letter saying Trump’s economic policy was a disaster?

No, probably not, or never heard about it.

The thing that infuriates me is that everyone knew what was going to happen.  Everyone knew about Project 2025. Only the FOX News brainwashed idiots, and the totally ignorant did not know what it was.  Lets not forget that this terrifying document has a polling approval rating of FOUR PERCENT. Not 40%, not 24%, but 4%.  Granted it’s 922 pages, but if you want to scare yourself give it a read.

It’s literally a playbook on how to destroy the economy, break apart the federal government, and install an autocratic leader. Let us remember what Trump HIMSELF said about it

Or better yet check out this article and video from CSPAN where he even goes on to say about how it was put together by  Extremists and he wants nothing to do with it.

The fact people believed this was crazy. So it came as no shock when he put Russel Vought THE GODDAMN AUTHOR IF IT as the head of the OBM.  And right now there are currently 28 Cabinet Members who were involved in making it. His current Press Secretary even made instructional videos for them for christ sake.  I mean, hell, this article from July 15th, 2024 outlines EXACTLY what they are doing right now.

Everyone knew he was going to tank the economy, THE WHOLE FUCKING PURPOSE OF IT IS TO TANK THE ECONOMY. Once they do then they will have their collection of oligarchs step in to privatize the whole thing.

What kills me is you have the people who voted for him, that they will sit there and say “Oh the economy was so bad under Biden, he was destroying the country”.

What Part was bad?  The 16 straight months of economic growth? The 204 straight weeks of GPD growth? The largest increase in the stock market for any administration EVER filling people’s 401ks and IRAs with a bunch of money?  Having the lowest unemployment in 60 years?  The largest wage growth in 40 years?  Lowering inflation faster than it’s ever been lowered in history?  Adding more manufacturing job than any administration since Roosevelt?

Please, explain to me, with examples, of what part of it was bad?

Oh right, fucking eggs.  The dumbest goddamn thing i’ve ever heard in my life. Funny how when eggs were expensive under Biden it was because of “Bidenomics” but when they went up even more under Trump its because “The President can’t control food prices, plus birdflu”

Fuck you.  The reality is that there WAS nothing wrong with the economy, in fact we had the strongest economy in the world by EVERY PKI. Every single one. Eggs were nothing but a strawman argument.  I point to what was the most liked post on Truth Social the week Trump was inaugurated…

Yeah, exactly what I would expect. I don’t care how bad things get, I’m just happy my team won.  The exact reason why I hate partisan politics.

What’s worse, again, every single person saw this coming, and again, it’s by goddamn design that the economy is falling apart. Yet the narrative is “Oh this is because of Bidenomics, but don’t worry we’ll fix it”.

No, no, no my friend. It doesn’t work that way. You can spin things however you want, but the proof is in the numbers.

Every week the Atlanta Federal Reserve puts out the projected GDP growth.  GDP growth is hands down, 100% the most important number when it comes to the economy. That is why where other reports are done monthly or even quarterly, this one is done weekly. It is the key indicator for a recession.  The numbers are about as Real-time as you can get, where others are a month behind.

With GDP growth.  1-2% is normal, it’s what is to be expected.  Anything over 2 is phenomenal. Very few countries at this point are even in the positives because they are still trying to come back from Covid, years later, where we got back to normal in a year.   When Biden left office, it his final week the number was at 3.9% which was the highest in the world.  Germany was 2nd at 1.8% and Australia was 3rd at 1.7% and Brazil was 4th at 1.6% and Canada was 5th also at 1.6%

Remember my long story above about how there is NOTHING on the shelves in Canada for American products?  Remember my picture of the empty airport?  Remember how this report is real-time?

So how does it look right now?

Not good, it is at NEGATIVE 2.8%.  He managed to make it drop from +2.3 down to -1.6 in a single week.  A drop of 3.9% in a single week.  Two things here.  First, this number has been tracked since May 18th, 1914.  110 years.  That drop was the 3rd largest single week drop of all time.  First being the week the stock market crashed in 1929 leading to the Great Depression. And 2nd being the first week of April 2019 when the global shut down for Covid started. In over 5,700 weeks, the 3rd worst of all time

Wrap your head around that for a second. The other two had a global catalyst which caused the drop.  This is all 100% man made by Trump and Trump alone.

But then the lies just keep coming.  Like last week when Trump had his bullshit fake State of The Union. He said something weird there, when he said that he is bringing manufacturing back (he’s not) and that Honda was going to be building a new big beautiful plant in Indiana.  That struck a lot of people as odd because 5 days earlier the New York Times had reported

“Honda and Toyota are preparing to execute plans to shut down assembly lines in the US because they are not willing to pay a 25% premium on materials. Tens of thousands of workers in plants in Ohio, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia will be sent home without pay. The effect on those workers and the communities they shop in will make the price of eggs seem completely insignificant.”

When the Wall Street Journal reached out to Honda they were told no.  They HAD been planning to open a joint plant with Samsung in Indiana to build EV batteries under Biden through the CHIPS Act.  However, one of the first things Trump did when he took office was Repeal what was left of the CHIPS Act. And since he did that, they had no further plans to build the factory.  Same with Nvidia who was planning on building a plant in New Mexico which was killed once he signed his executive order.

Then, ugh, the one that really annoys me was when Trump said this nonsense

No Donny, it’s not real.  Again they have fallen so far off the deep end that they just make up things that are SO ridiculous, and people eat it up

Ugh.  First of all. Jesus H. Christ.

Second, It’s TransGETIC not transGENDER mice you retard lump of mashed potatoes. They aren’t sitting there in a lab doing this.

No, you cheetos dusted moron, they are not sitting there dressing up mice in drag.  Should be pointed out, Mice do not have Gender. No living thing besides humans have a gender, there is a difference between gender and sex.  But I digress. Anyhow, yeah, not cross dressing mice.  TransGETIC mice is when they take an embryo from a mouse and splice it’s DNA with the DNA of some other animal to see how that transgetic DNA interacts with certain diseases.  In this case it was to see how it interacted to try to fight cancer and asthma.

Third, this program is not some new thing that started under Biden. The study started in 1974, and has been government funded since 1993.

Fourth, it has had A LOT of very good results, for such a low endowment.  Some of the most commonly used Cancer drugs have come as a result of this study.  For example, if you have ever known someone with breast cancer who used things like paclitaxel, docetaxel, and doxorubicin, as well as targeted therapies such as trastuzumab (Herceptin) and hormone therapies like tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors. ALL of those were developed from this research.

Fifth.  FUCK YOU J.D. VANCE.  You sat there, directly behind him, while he said this shit.  And you know DAMN WELL what it was. The research is done at the University of Cincinnati, and you, YOU PERSONALLY, are the one that added the amendment for their renewed funding in 2023 and 2024, taking over for Rob Portman who had put it in from 2011 thru 2022, who took it over from George Voinovich who put it in from 1999 to 2010, who took it over from John Glenn who had put it in from 1992 thru 1998.  Every year since 1992, one of the Ohio Senators had put this into budget bills.  Eat all the bags of dicks you jackass.

Like I said, the media in the U.S. will paint this rosy picture, but they are straight up lying to you. The U.S. has become the pariah of the world. And the numbers are already starting to show that.

It’s only going to get worse.  With the shit DOGE is doing with firing all the Federal workers, that is going to EXPLODE unemployment.  It’s also going to explode unemployment insurance costs. As of this moment, DOGE has fired 124,000 Federal workers (a lot of those are currently in the courts since technically they don’t even have the ability to fire people).  That is 124,000 people BEFORE the 50% from Department of Education they are doing today, and the 20,000 from the IRS next week, and then the 83,000 from Veterans Affairs they are getting ready to let go.

Think about that for a second.  Do you know what the LARGEST layoff in American History is? 60,000 from IBM in 1993.  Those layoffs killed entire communities.  Now we’re going to lay off over 250,000 (which is just the tip of the iceberg). How is that going to go over.  You already have cities like Kansas City and Baltimore which were hardest hit saying they currently have more unemployed people than they even have Job Openings, and we’re talking ALL openings, even if a Medical Research Scientist wanted to go work as a dish washer at Denny’s.

Plus there is the whole stupidity in this, where Musk and his teenage hackers don’t even have the foggiest understanding of what they are even cutting.  We seriously have this group of nerds that are making all of the decisions on how the Federal Government works.

GOD I wish I was kidding.  Edward “Big Balls” Coristine (his nickname, not mine for him) a 19 year old Intern for Tesla, who was Fired from his Previous job for stealing confidential data and selling it, was able to tell a group of US Senators to Fuck Off, as they tried to get into the Treasury Building. My other question there is why the hell were the US Marshalls who provide security to Federal buildings, replaced with Musk’s own personal security people from BlackWater?


How about the stock market?  How many people have lost a ton of money on investments in the last couple weeks. The stock market, again is a REAL TIME indicator, you literally can’t get more real time that the markets. You can’t even blame something that happened a week ago, let alone months ago when Biden was in Office. The Stock market based off what happened 30 seconds ago. . The S&P, Dow Jones, NASDEQ, and Russell are all down between 7 and 13% in the last 2 weeks.  $6 trillion in market cap wiped out.  That’s people’s pensions, 401ks, IRAs, gone. And for no reason.  We were right smack dab in the middle of a Bull Market with no Bear in sight for at least another 2 years. and this jackass stopped it in it’s tracks.

When you start a one sided trade war WITH THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD, things are not going to end well for you.  I mean, Jesus. Canada, Mexico, China, The entire European Union, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, the list goes on and on for countries he slapped TOTALLY random tariffs on for no reason.

And every day it’s something else. The last time he was President people were sick of what the news would be every day based off what his tweets were. This time we’re in the same boat, but the things he says are bat shit crazy, tariffs, global conquering, attacking allies, that it’s gotten to be too much.  People are sick of it. The world is sick of it, and the markets reflect that.

Generally with the stock markets, they follow the global trend. We are again a global economy.  For YEARS and years and years, I wake up early in the morning and the first thing I do is check the Asian markets. That (used to be) an indicator as to where the US markets would end for the day and how I would do my investments for the day, since I do option trading. They pretty much always went hand and hand, unless one country found itself in a financial crisis. Like what happened to Japan and Greece years ago.

Not now however. As all of our markets are down around 10% the last few weeks, that trend has not been seen in any other of the markets around the world.  In that same time, the global markets from Aisa and Europe

Shanghai + 10.72%
Nikkei +11.36%
HSI + 8.74%
ASX 200 + 14.28%
IBX + 14.94%
FTSE + 7.46%
FTSE + 11.14%
SMI + 8.01%

Every other Global Market is beating the US Markets by around 20%

In the European markets, investing in defense contractors is like Printing Goddamn money. Most of the EU countries in the last few weeks have cancel contracts with Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Texas Instrument, Lockheed Martin, and L3Harris.

Instead BILLIONS on contracts have been cancelled and then given to BAE Systems, Safran, Eaton, and Thales instead.  Having stock in any of those lately will make you a fortune (can’t buy them on the NYSE)


BAE does a lot of the same things as Tesla. Their stock is doing that. Where Tesla is doing this in the same time frame

But then again, Musk is literally the most hated person in the world at this point, and is a legitimate Bond villain.

Funny thing is, with Musk who has straight up given up trying to hide the fact that he is a Nazi and has been publicly embracing it.  This is an actual thing on the Subway in Toronto


The Sales are totally in the toilet.

Down 71% in Australia
Down 70% in Canada
Down 49% in China
Down 40% in Denmark
Down 40% in Norway
Down 40% in Finland
Down 40% in Sweden
Down 25% in France
Down 17% in the U.S.


That all lead us to the other day in one of the most disgusting things I’d ever seen, and what was perhaps the most corrupt things, and biggest violation of The Hatch Act ever seen.

Musk “donates” $100 million to Trump’s PAC (keep in mind Trump cannot run again, so any money put into his PAC is like giving the money to him directly tax free, he can use it however he wants and doesn’t risk campaign finance laws). Which brings the total Musk has given Trump to $390 million.  Must be nice to be able to buy a country.  But anyhow, after given the money, Trump then calls a press conference outside the steps of the White House.

The Reporters got there thinking it was going to be an update on the Ukraine/Russia thing.  Instead, they get there and there is a parade of Teslas and then Trump and Musk then proceed to make a Goddamn Tesla commercial right in front of the entire press pool, as this is getting pushed out on Live TV all over the place. Most news stations ended up pulling away from it after a few minutes. But this.  THIS below is what our President Called a National Press Conference for to help boost Tesla stock as it has been cut IN HALF over 8 weeks.


Absolutely pathetic. But not shocking. Since it is Trump, and Musk, who completely owns Trump.

Like the rest of the world, everything about Musk makes me sick. What he is doing to the country is so fucked up.  And even more fucked up is the way the media is covering him and Trump.

And the lies.


This is one of the things no one from other countries can understand.  Ok, Russia, China, North Korea, they have state run propaganda news. But I don’t think anyone from the US would ever think that could become a thing here, which is absolutely has.

FOX News has become a puppet.  And then other conservative networks, don’t do anything except regurgitate what comes from FOX.

The thing is, the MAGA crowd has been infiltrated so much by Russia that you have to drink ALL of the Kool Aid to not see it.  FOX doesn’t even source their own stories anymore.  Literally the stories they cover every day are taken from the Trending screen on Twitter (no I will not call it X).  I’m not saying this as a joke, I actually 100% mean it.

Nearly every single story on Fox comes from a tiny handful of sources.   RT, Musk, Benny Johnson, Charlie Kirk, Tim Poole, Laura Loomer.

Of all the things on that list, I think RT is the saddest one.  It’s like the people don’t know what RT stands for (It stands for RussiaToday).  Stories they have “broken” In the month of February alone, according to Media Matters, have appeared 81 times on FOX News, have been Tweeted 52 times by Trump, and have been tweeted 217 times by Musk. This is a state run propaganda network.  Yet we have all of the right treating what they say as Truth, and a lot of what they have said is BAT SHIT CRAZY.  You may recall, this was the “source” that broke the story about migrants in Ohio eating people’s dogs and cats.  You can read more about RT on their WIKI page

Benny Johnson.  He has “broken” stories that in February alone were referenced on Fox news 28 Times, Tweeted by Trump 33 times, and tweeted by musk 87 times. Despite never disclosing it, Benny was an employee of Tenet Media. Yes, the Tenet Media where a group of Russian Nationals were indicted for laundering money for…..  can you guess?  If you guess RT, you are correct.  He was being paid $100k a week to do his Pro Trump Pod Cast, which damn near everything was a straight up lie.

Time Poole. Same as Benny.

The DOJ did a whole investigation into it

A lot of the things you hear repeated over and over on the likes of FOX come from these people.

But that’s not the worst part of the whole thing. This next part is sad.

In 2023 Wired Magazine, along with the New York Times, Columbia University, and Northwestern University were doing a study on the ease of social media manipulation and influence.  They set up a parody account called Not Elon Musk


It posted totally crazy shit to see how it would penetrate into the mainstream. It was scary as hell.  A lot of which you have probably heard of, which just chills me to the goddamn bone.  There are a TON of MAGA people out there who are positive this really IS Musk and he is just SAYING it’s not him to keep the liberals away so treat it like truth.  Jesus Christ.

When DOGE first started, and no one had any idea what the hell they were doing the account tweeted out this

Yeah the story of $600 million in Sushi at the Pentagon that was reported no less than 45 times in the span of 5 days on FOX came from this.  Same with the Coffee.

Other things that have originated from this account, which the authors FREELY AND OPENLY admit they made up (they don’t have to cover their ass the account says parody right on it)

  • $50 million in Condoms to Gaza
  • $8 year olds getting PPP loans
    • Also PPP loans were done under Trump, Not Biden by the way
  • 10 Million zombies collecting Social Security
  • $20 million on paper straws

Yes, some of the things that have been the most widely spread pieces of shit, originated from a Parody account, which was viewed by people who are too stupid to know what parody means, and then passed around on twitter and Facebook and Instagram not providing the source for where they got it. Then next thing you know, 50 million people have heard it and believe it. and FOX reports it as fact because taking all of 30 seconds to be like “Wait, this sounds stupid, where did this come from” is too damn hard. Plus the idiots just want to hear what they want.

Also the social security one was just stupid. For 2 reasons. First off, when someone dies the Funeral Home files an SAA-721 form that gets sent to social security when a person died.  Banks, also send one when an account has been closed, actually basically EVERY place that you use a death certificate has to attach a SSA-721 to it.  The Second thing is, yes there are bound to be some that fall through the cracks, but that is what the Inspector General is for (Who was fired in January by Musk). We know exactly how many improper payments were made. in 2023 it was 44,000 total, which they recouped 27,000 of them.  So fuck off if you’re actually THAT stupid that you think they are sending out over 10 million bad checks every months.  For fuck sake.

Plus they keep firing people we need, and then have to go try to get them back, but most are like Fuck you. When you have a group of late teen, early 20 douche bags running through shit they don’t understand using AI you’re going to end up with the results we’ve had.

  • Like firing all of the people that secure our nuclear weapons because they had the word “transition” in their job description (they are the nuclear transition team)
  • Firing ALL the Probationary people because they thought probationary meant they had bad job performance and were on probation, when in reality all employees are “probationary” for the first 3 years before they get vested into the pension.
  • Or firing all of the people who were tracking birdflu
  • Or firing all the people who were tracking ebola
  • Or firing the USDA inspectors (why Canada and China cancelled $3 billion in Beef sales. Also China cancelled another $2 billion in Pork, which they are now getting from Canada)
  • Or firing Air Traffic Controllers

I can go on and on with the people they fired and then were like “Whoops, we need that”.

But I guess a big Fuck You for people like Park Rangers, and Cancer Researchers, and Special Ed Teachers. and VA Doctors. Cause they got fired and don’t get invited back.

They gutted, absolutely gutted Park Services, to where most national parks are now closed. They claim it saves money, however, off the $3.6 billion dollar Park services budget, there is $56 billion in revenue generated. Same goes with Post Office, people love to claim how it loses money, it had over $1 billion in profit last year.

The biggest bullshit lie out there has to be DOGE in general.  They sit there telling people that they have saved $105 billion dollars in wasted spending.  You knew this was going to be a shit show right off the bat, when Musk, Trump, Fox all talked on and on about the $8 billion contract Musk cancelled for DIE stuff at the Pentagon.

It took people all of like 2 seconds to look at it and be like.  Umm, dude? You decimaled wrong. It wasn’t for $8 Billion, it was for $8 MILLION.  And to make matters worse, it was an 8 year contract that was already 6 years Deep (which was signed under Trump by the way). There was only a hair over $1.7 million in saving.  That’s a pretty big goddamn difference.

The same people who did the fake musk account, are also tracking the actual DOGE savings on stuff, and they come with receipts and cite their work. Unlike DOGE.  All of this stuff is public information as long as you know where to look for it.

They claim that they have saved $105 Billion, which again FOX and the MAGA people will recite that number over and over.

In reality they have only cancelled $29.9 Billion.  BUUUUT, that includes grants that were already given out just hadn’t expired, things where we were half way through payments.  The REAL number of actual dollars that have been cut is $8.6 billion.

Like I said, unlike Musk who just makes blanket tweets of bullshit and backs nothing up (and is usually made up) these guys come with receipts

Check Out Doge.MuskWatch.com

Now you might say, “Well that’s at least something”.  Well, about that.

Remember Musk has paid now $390 MILLION to Trump.  No one is going to pay over a third of a BILLION dollars for nothing in return. Also remember, Musk and his DOGE kids not only have access to payment systems, but they have also named them as Sr Advisors (or even higher positions) within almost every single government agency.  So what does this mean for Musk?


As you may recall back in the fall when they were talking about the DOGE department and Musk said they would be independent people working for Free.  Well, if by free, you mean not free at all, then he is correct.  At first they were given a $6.5 million budget.  That was supposed to last the entire year.  It lasted 1 week.  They were then given an additional $14.4 million. And blew threw that right away as well.  At this point, we don’t even know what it is because they aren’t even reporting it, but if it follows the trend it was on, it is around $1.7 million a day.  Additionally they have spent God only knows how much in the GSA building to install IKEA beds, and Washing machines and all sorts of other shit.  Oh, and all these people who are working for free out of the kindness of their heard and love of country?  Yeah not so much all 67 of them have been given fake titles from other departments and a salary of $194,400 (the highest salary a civil servant can make).   So at the pace they are on, at BARE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM they would cost around $700 million for the year. That is more than the annual budget of ALL the congressional committees in a year.

Ohh ohh ohh. But the best part.  So Musk has put in his own people who make spending choices in most of these departments. The other day the deficit report came out for February.  And it was higher than was forecasted, was actually the HIGHEST report ever.  How can it be higher than forecasted when DOGE is cutting so many things you ask?

Because for everything they cut, they then give out even more to Tesla and SpaceX.  NEW Contracts


That is almost DOUBLE what they have “saved”

Oh and that doesn’t even count this gem.



So in the 2024 budget for 2025 there was a line item for Electric Vehicles. For the cost of $483,000.  It was to buy 9 Polestar electric cars for the state department.

On February 12th, someone at the state department went in and changed that to $400 MILLION worth of Tesla Armored vehicles. Now the House Foreign Affairs Committee wants Secretary of State Rubio to get his ass down to congress to explain where the hell this came from since  someone retroactively changed a contract which had already been appropriated, make it 100 TIMES larger, and took it from a company that had put in a Bid, and replaced it with Musk’s company.

On then there is the little thing. So Musk has basically everyone in the FAA fired.  He was butt hurt that they kept investigating him cause his rockets kept blowing up disrupting plane travel.  He put Ted Malaska in as the interm head of the FAA. I’m seriously not kidding where basically every department where they have fired the heads of them, they have all, 100% been replaced by people from Tesla, Starlink, and SpaceX. Musk Told Malaska to start having Starlink Terminals installed.

Now keep in mind, the US has a 15 year contract with Verizon for their communication stuff.  Well, had, because sure enough. Bye Bye Verizon, and hello new $2.4 billion contract for star link.

Although yesterday……..


Although we all know exactly how that is going to go and it will amount to nothing, and he will walk out with billion more.

Again, you don’t pay nearly $400 million of your own money because you think someone is a swell guy.  But Fuck me, at least try to hide the corruption.

Although it’s not only the nearly $20 billion on government gifts Musk has gotten IN A MOTHER FUCKING MONTH.

There is also the fact that, the heads of EVERY SINGLE ONE of these departments had been fired. and Replaced with a Trump loyalist, and every one of these investigations has gone away now

The utter corruption and lies.

So more lies.  You know, Trump is The most Bigly Awesome person for border control ever.

Except he is not.  He is deporting people at a slower rate than Biden did.

It’s true border crossings are down, BUT that is because the US is no longer the shining beacon on the hill people want to go to. It’s a shithole no one wants any part of. So people are just staying in other countries. It’s not for fear of being deported, it’s because there is no point in being here in the first place.

But it honestly doesn’t matter. Because MAGA people don’t care about Truth, they care about perception and photo ops.

Like how “Boarder Barbie” Kristi Noem is more concerned with dressing up in costumes than she is actually doing her job






When she is not dressing up in costumes. She is also doing some really fucked up wasteful things.  I mean, shouldn’t shock you from the chick that executes goats and puppies

I have a bunch of examples of her nonsense, but this is getting long, so I’ll leave it with the funniest one.  So if you watch FOX news you know all about the Venezuelan gangs that have taken over Aroura, Colorado.  The thing is, in the REAL world? That’s not a thing.  A Facebook post from RT (remember them) posted a video in June of 2024 saying it was a Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment complex in  Aroura, Colorado.

Soooo about that, the video was actually of a MEXICAN gang, and it was in Laredo, Texas, and was from 2019. But that didn’t stop FOX from playing it, literally hundreds of times and talk about it for months.  Actually they STILL do.  Despite the fact that The people in the apartment complex said it was fake, and the mayor said there were no Venezuelan gangs there, as did the Sherriff.

Anyhow, so to make a big show, Border Barbie rolled into town with FOUR HUNDERED Ice Agents. Before I get to the punchline here, just think about the MASSIVE costs here.   The Denver regional ICE office only has 29 people. So they spent money to transport hundreds of people. Paying for travel, putting them up in hotels, paying for food, paying per diem. Also having to drag in local law enforcement, having to pay them over time.  Closing down areas of the city while they did their raids.  We’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe even millions.

Anyhow, that punch line you were looking for



OUCH! You spend all that time and money, to arrest ONE person.

But this actually gets funnier.

Are there gang members there?  Maybe.  Who knows.  But, oh man.  So with FOX and their CONSTANT LYING.  When you lie SO MUCH, you end up fucking yourself.

After they spent ALL that money and netted ONE arrest, Border Czar Tom Homen was pissed off saying that people we’re tipped off to the raids. There was this article on FOX News on Feb 7th.


So he is all pissed off and wants to investigate leaks that tipped off gang members.

Weelllll, about that.

AWWWWWWW, Buddy? IT WAS YOU. Again, FOX has become such State Propaganda, that they have so many lies they are trying to juggle at one time, they accidentally jumped the gun. Everyone was ready to roll with their talking points, fake numbers, and fake videos. But they can’t tell time so well.  This aired live on FOX a full 9 hours BEFORE the raids even happened. They have really bad communication.  The Raids were ORIGINALLY supposed to happen the afternoon/evening of Feb 5th.  But they didn’t give the local authorities enough time to get people in place so it was pushed back a day. I guess that information wasn’t passed down the line.

So you have a Border Patrol Chief come on T.V. have him spit out TOTALLY FUCKING MADE UP numbers, and use a video that is from God Knows where (Not Aurora since it hadn’t happened yet)  to push propaganda.

You can bitch about liberal leaning media like MSNBC, and CNN (ish) all you want, but none of them have EVER aired what was KNOWN to be a completely and totally made up story.

But despite the fact they did NOT arrest 100 gang members, it doesn’t matter, all the MAGA people will take this as truth and sit there and cite this as how Trump is doing such a great job.  Reality means absolutely nothing.

Again, who knows, maybe there are gang members there, But when you tell them NINE FUCKING HOURS before the raids happen, even if there were gang members there, they could have driven to Las Vegas in that time.

It’s just painful, and disgusting to look from the outside at what has become of the U.S.  You have the most corrupt person to ever live, openly flaunting his corruption in everyone’s face. While selling off the government to his buddies.  Tanking the economy. Yet STILL, FUCKING STILL, you have this, sadly pretty goddamn big part of society, they will completely ignore it, or make excuses for it, and drape themselves in the flag as he tries to burn it all down to the ground to install a Fascist Regime. Make no mistake, that is the end goal. Project 2025 does not mince words, they are crystal clear. But because of this stupid fucking blood sport mentality with people where there is no wrong or right, it’s just my side against your side, you have otherwise intelligent people, who blindly support this shit, through a combination of arrogance and ignorance. Every time I hear some person either try to sane-wash the shit he is doing, or worse yet “Well I have looked into it” it makes me want to scream.  Two reasons for that. First is because anyone who tells you “Well I have looked into it” is 1000000000% of the time, going to go hunt down shitty sources that fill fit their narrative, with hyperbole and opinion instead of facts that can be backed up. And 2nd, most importantly, if you’re SO GODDAMN OBLIVIOUS to what is going on around you, then there really is no hope for you at that point.

But I get it, the days of political discussion are over. There is no democracy, there is no compromise, there is no working for the good of the people as a whole.  Just like the 2 assholes that forced me to give up and go to Canada, it’s just a bunch of people that are all “I support him because he hates who I hate” and will blindly support them regardless of their own self interests, or interests to humanity.  As this asshole said

But any person who has the balls to claim to be a Republican, and then supports the shit that Trump is doing, Get The Fuck out of here. You don’t have a Republican bone in your body.  Everything he does goes completely against all of the republican ideals for the last 70 years.

As Trump sits there starting worthless trade wars, just to feel important, lets us not forget what the ultimate Republican had to say on that topic.  I leave you with the words from The Gipper when giving one of his weekly radio addresses on the topic of trade wars when Ted Kennedy, Jim Wright and all the democrats wanted him to put Tariffs on a bunch of different countries in 1988